Tuesday 2 October 2012

PPC - Press Complaints Commission

PCC - Press Complaints Commission

PPC (press complaints commission) is a self regulatory company that has often been deemed ‘toothless’ for criticizing the company that helps fund them. PCC is funded via Levy from newspapers. PCC’s first step in writing any wrongs would be adjudication with due prominence. Journalists and columnists go by a ‘Publish and be damned policy’ which basically means publish an article at your own risk. So if a journalist were to write quite a controversial article such as Jan Moir’s article on Stephen Gately, you need to be prepared to pay the price incase of public upset. However many journalists and columnists do this and say the article is ‘In the readers best interest’ to wriggle out of any accusations. The PPC covers the following areas of complain: Opportunity to reply, Privacy, Harassment, Intrusion into Grief and Shock, Children and Children in Sex Cases, Victims of Sexual Assault, Discrimination, Financial Journalism, Confidential sources, Witness payments and Payments to Criminals. However overall PCC have no legal power whatsoever.

Friday 7 September 2012

Record labels

Beyonce Analysis

In the four videos we looked at by Beyonce, ‘Crazy in love’, ‘Single Ladies’, ‘Halo’ and ‘Telephone’ various messages are trying to be sent across to the user. In ‘Crazy in Love’ the video has a very glamorous and quite sexy feel to it. This with flirtatious dance routine helps the theme of falling in love be put across well because it all seems exciting and chaotic. In contrast ‘Halo’ sends the message of being in love rather then just falling in love. So it is more intimate and clean. The contrast of black and white throughout the video helps achieve this sense of cleanness and romance. Close ups of the couple in ‘Halo’, Beyonce in particular helps to show this message of her being in love and we can capture a image of her facial expressions. ‘Single Ladies’ however is a bit more spunky and fiery. A message that she’s not going to be messed around by a man is fairly evident when she says ‘if you like it you have put a ring on it’ implying that you had chance and you wasted it. So in the video she wants to come off as a strong female character and these fast, fiery dance routines help show this as well as keeping a sexy feel she is so famous for.

From the videos we have looked at you see different sides to Beyonce. Such as sexy, young, fiery and glamorous woman. In more modern videos there is a feeling of her settling down and she comes across as more gentle and the video ‘Halo’ is more romantic then sexy. As she has developed in life, so has she and we can follow this through her videos. However she is still Beyonce and will always be sexy and sassy regardless of age and when she does ‘Telephone’ with Lady Gaga it is almost making a statement saying she is just as sexy and sassy as also somewhat rebellious and aggressive. A more naughty side to Beyonce then we have seen perhaps in other videos on this scale.

Different sides of her in various videos such as young and cheeky in ‘Crazy In Love’, powerful and strong in ‘Single Ladies’, elegant and Gentle in ‘Halo’ and aggressive and rebellious in ‘Telephone’ all show different sides to her. If you look at the words i used to describe her character in those four videos there are some quite contrasting words. Yet this is such a clever thing she has done because it seems real. No one person has just one continuous side to them, there are always different sides good or bad. This is one of the reasons Beyonce has become so big, it almost lets fans into her life and see all the different sides to her we don’t see behind the scenes. Also it creates mystery because you have to think, are there anymore sides to her we are going to see? So each new single and album is eagerly awaited for.  We can see other examples of this with Lady Gaga. If you look at her earlier videos such as ‘Just Dance’ and ‘Poker Face’ She comes across as a lot more sexy and ‘normal’. However when we look at her later videos such as ‘Bad Romance’ and ‘Born this Way’ she has changed dramatically. She has become a lot weirder and more eccentric and her characters in videos still seem quite mysterious, much different to her earlier videos.

Beyonce has now created an alter-ego called Sasha Fierce. This persona represents Beyonce as more fun more sexual and more aggressive. She is a symbolic representation taken over by the devil to obtain success. This is going to be very appealing to the male audience with this new ‘more sexual’ role. She is supplying a demand that a male audience requires for many female artists to be reach to a male audience. However not just males are going to enjoy this. Female audiences will enjoy this new ‘Aggressiveness’ and ‘Fun’ and exciting side to her as she comes across as a strong female icon.

Younger people are more likely to be influenced by her and similar artists as they are modern and very current. Going by the ‘effects theory’ then you’d think there would be many people, mostly younger females that would be influenced by her clothes, makeup and personality.